観葉植物の顧客離脱を防ぐには~栽培状況、枯らせた経験、虫への忌避感と購入 Preventing houseplants customer churn: Analysis of the influences of withering-up experiences and aversion to insects on purchase propensity
Published in 寄稿, 2021
Recommended citation: 青木恭子(2021)『観葉植物の顧客離脱を防ぐには ~栽培状況、枯らせた経験、虫への忌避感と購入』、国産花き生産流通強化推進協議会 (Aoki, Kyoko (2021).Preventing houseplants customer churn: Analysis of the influences of withering-up experiences and aversion to insects on purchase propensity.Council for Japanese Flower Production and Distribution Enhancement.)
Recommended citation: 青木恭子(2021)『観葉植物の顧客離脱を防ぐには ~栽培状況、枯らせた経験、虫への忌避感と購入』、国産花き生産流通強化推進協議会 (Aoki, Kyoko (2021).Preventing houseplants customer churn: Analysis of the influences of withering-up experiences and aversion to insects on purchase propensity.Council for Japanese Flower Production and Distribution Enhancement.)
DOI(Digital Object Identifier, デジタルオブジェクト識別子)
This research was funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, FY 2021 Japan flower enhancement project.