Published in 寄稿, 2023
「花店利用者調査」2023年版では、花・植物の小売に関わる4つ企業を対象に、最近1年間の利用者全500名に、利用状況や評価を尋ねた(2023年1月実施)。 【内容】(スクリーニング)利用経験、自宅用切り花の許容価格(本調査)利用頻度、1回当たりの利用金額、用途、購入内容、物日の購入、顧客満足(CS)関連指標(品質、コスパ、総合満足、情緒的充足、継続利用意向、共感度、推奨(口コミ)意向)、花店サービス項目別評価と顧客満足、よい点、改善してほしい点に関する自由回答テキスト分析。 【結果】花小売4企業の顧客(最近1年間利用者)に、利用状況と評価を聞いた。主な内容は 利用頻度、用途、購入内容、1回当たりの利用金額、当店利用割合、物日の購入、顧客満足関連指標(品質、コスパ、総合満足、継続利用意向、推奨意向など)、サービス項目別品質評価、 よい点、改善してほしい点(自由回答)。農林水産省「ジャパンフラワー強化プロジェクト推進事業」(2022年度)の一環として実施。 今回は日比谷花壇、青山フラワーマーケット、イオン、ユニクロフラワーの利用者で関東圏在住の20~50代対象。花の専門チェーンは顧客から高い評価を受ける一方、最近の価格高騰を受けて、品質志向型の店では、コスパでは最高評価が微妙に取りにくくなっている。ユニクロフラワーは、シンプルで明快な価格体系が支持され、特にコスパに支持。物日に一定程度売りつつ、普段使いで需要平準化。若年層だけでなく、近年購入率が急速に減退していたミドル世代の女性客を引き付けている。自由回答を見る限り、専門店に対して2023年は「高いので自宅用では買えない、プレゼントやイベント時のみ」という声が相次いだ。 Flower Shop User Survey 2023: This survey targeted customers aged 20-50 residing in the Greater Tokyo area who made purchases within the past year at one of the four flower retailers: Hibiya Kadan, Aoyama Flower Market, Aeon, and UNIQLO Flower. The main topics covered in the survey include usage frequency and purpose, purchase details, average expenditure per visit, customer satisfaction indices (quality, cost effectiveness, overall satisfaction, intention to continue using, WOM intention). The survey also included open-ended questions to gather feedback on areas of excellence / for improvement. As in previous years, specialist flower chain stores like Hibiya and Aoyama maintained outstanding reputations, supported by a wide range of customer base and loyal clientele. Meanwhile, in light of recent price surges, shops that offer flowers at affordable price ranges received significant recognition. The rising prices have slightly disadvantaged quality-focused shops, making it somewhat challenging for them to achieve the top box rating for cost-effectiveness. In contrast, UNIQLO Flower has earned a positive reputation by emphasizing simple and transparent pricing. Notably, UNIQLO Flower appears to perform well on non-peak sales days, attracting not only younger generations but also middle-aged women whose flower purchasing rate has been declining rapidly over the past decade. Overall, there may have been a decrease in the proportion of buyers in the lower price range, which typically indicates home use. Funded by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, as part of the Japan Flower Enhancement Project Promotion Program (FY2022).
Recommended citation: Aoki, Kyoko (2023) *Flower shop customer survey 2023: Purchasing behaviour and customer evaluations*. Council for Japanese Flower Production and Distribution Enhancement.